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Pasar Segar SM Holdings Sdn. Bhd.

To be the change leader in the way we responsibly produce and consume, by building a holistic and sustainable ecosystem that changes the way we grow, buy and eat.

Our vision is to lower the nation's dependency on imported foods by enriching the farming community with the necessary skills and business acumen for sustainable farming. The modernisation of agriculture and aquaculture is imperative to bring the people of Malaysia and its economy into the 21st-century digital world. The development of a technologically-advanced and sustainable agriculture and aquaculture industry will be the key to resolving the many issues that we currently face in Malaysia, such as unemployment, as well as food scarcity, the rising cost of living, and poverty, malnutrition, climate change, and environmental degradation.

Impact Indicators

  • Food security

PRODUCTS BY Pasar Segar SM Holdings Sdn. Bhd.