Peringkat Syarikat

Untuk Lokasi

Untuk Industri

Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) has been established to help the industry to achieve higher food production standards to meet the requirements of the country's food safety and needs. The certificate application is open to all food premise operators either for processing, packaging, storage or distribution of food. APPLICATION CRITERIA The food operators who apply for the GMP certificate must meet the following criteria:

  1. Registered with the Companies Commission of Malaysia, and
  2. have a licence or approval from the local government or other government agencies, and
  3. Have a GMP manual with beverages contents as required by the GMP CERTIFICATION SCHEME GUIDELINES, and
  4. GMP programme has been carried out at least two (2) months prior to the submission of application


Blok 4G1, Wisma Tani, Persiaran Perdana, Presint 4, 62624, Putrajaya, Malaysia